Thursday, January 9, 2014

Does it really matter if your black or white?

      First I'd like to start off by saying XO to everyone who has taken time out to check out the blog, thanks for the love and support !! NOW, today's topic shall be a very intense one, a subject that has been discussed, debated and argued about on many occasions... today was no different !


      A friend of mine created a post via his Facebook with the picture above saying "I wanna know your opinion on this me its ignorance and stupid but I wanna hear your feed back" (please carefully read the picture before continuing). I'm sure most black women reading this screwed their face up, twisted their lip and silently said to themselves "Oh no she didn't". The next few pictures to follow are directly from the post, some of the opinions and comments are just plain ol' IGNORANT. Let me first start off by saying how can you possibly expect  not only a black man, but ANY successful and established man to entertain a relationship with you when you cannot properly put together a sentence or use proper grammar and punctuation. If this is the way some of you write I'm much too afraid to hear how you speak. African Americans as a whole need to stop placing blame on the "crackers, pigs, honkies" whatever you want to call them. Start being open minded about life in general, encourage not only yourself but your children and peers to learn more; you can never have too much education.

    The following pictures above are the opinions of two different black women and as you can see for yourself there's a whole heap of animosity brewing inside of them, reading it the first time around gave me a mild headache. I personally have black and white friends and I know interracial couples who have been together for years. I can honestly say that not every white woman is submissive, not every white woman buy their way into a relationship and not every black man is afraid of a black woman's strength. To say all white people smell is the first sign of pure ignorance, I've been around white people that smell so much better than a few of my black friends, it's all about personal hygiene. If you aren't a black woman with an established career, big house, big car and a healthy bank account how can you say that black men are afraid of that when you've never experienced it first hand? I've witnessed black couples who are very much on the same level, successful, in love and happy. A relationship should be more so about trust, commitment, loyalty, happiness and you both sharing the same views on love and life... You can't build with someone who isn't on the same page as you.

      Above is my general opinion, I'm not saying in no way, shape or form that I'm right. I understand that African American women have been through a lot. I've watched my mom struggle at times raising five children. I know first hand how it feels to struggle, I was once award of the state (foster care) something that I don't speak on often, but never am I ashamed of what I've been through. I've been up and I've been down, not once did I make excuses for anything I've been through. My struggles have strengthened me, motivated me and made me a better woman. I can't be good to any man if I can't first be good to myself. I've never looked at a white woman and said to myself "she's the reason why I haven't found a good man". NO, I've found a good man and surprisingly he's a white man, but I'm not done working on me and he isn't perfect either. I don't care what your race is, just love me, respect me and build with me, most importantly communicate with me and everything else will work itself out.

       After seeing the above post (the opinion of a black man) I kindly made my exit, he just about summed it all up. It's not so much about race, more so about compatibility. Do you both have the same goals in life, do you want the same things out of life, marriage, children, stability. Those are some questions to ask yourself before becoming seriously involved with someone, doesn't matter the skin color.  I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your response to this entry and please take a second to do the poll, LOVE is LOVE... Good luck and God bless !!

IG: Iammookie_

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